The Season of Lent begins on 5 March, Ash Wednesday. Mass will be at 9:30am & 6:30pm and both Masses will conclude with the blessing and distribution of ashes.
Mass on Thursday 6th & Friday 7th March will be at 9:30am.
Beginning on Monday 10 March the Lenten Mass schedule will be as follows:
Mass at 8:20am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Mass at 9:30am on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
The Novena to the Miraculous Medal of Our Lady will follow Mass on Tuesdays.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursday from 6:00pm
and at 6:30pm we will meditate and pray the Stations of the Cross.
Sacrament of Reconciliation During Lent
Saturday - 9:00am until 9:25; 3:30pm until 3:55pm and after the Vigil Mass;
Thursdays from 6:00pm until 6:30pm and after Stations of the Cross.