St Bernadettes' Faith Sharing Group will continue throughout Lent.
This season "Around the Lenten Circle" (pictured right) will be the resource used on the Sunday readings – a missal would be a useful companion.
This reproducible eResource provides both content and faith sharing starter questions for small groups during Lent. The Sunday readings come alive in this resource, helping participants integrate them into their daily lives.
Beautifully illustrated and laid out, this resource will find its way into many areas of parish life. Each includes:
Opening prayer
Conversation starters for reflecting back on the last week
Scripture readings from the Old and New Testaments
Reflections with insights on the readings and how they may speak to us today
Questions for reflection and conversation
Closing prayer
Due to the ongoing pandemic we are unable to meet in person. Some parishioners may choose to use the materials on their own. Others will “meet” online on a Wednesday evening at 7.30 pm. If you would like a copy of the materials or to join a group please email stbernadette@rcdom.org.uk . Please make it clear if you would like:
· A digital copy of the materials emailed to you
· A printed copy of the materials prepared
· To take part in the online meeting