Due to the new government advice, we are now in a position to start holding services that parishioners can attend. The first masses will take place at the following times:
Saturday 18th July at 4pm and 6pm
Sunday 19th July at 9:30am, 11am and 5pm
In order to ensure the safety of our parishioners, it is necessary to limit the number of people at each mass to 50. It is also necessary for us to keep records of those attending in order to abide by government tracking requirements. Accordingly, those who wish to attend will be required to book their places in advance.
Those who can are encouraged to book online, via our Eventbrite page.
You can also book by telephone at 01698 263945 between 10am and 11am on any weekday or by talking to one of our stewards at private prayer on Wednesday or Friday.
Please arrive at mass at least 10 minutes early so you can be booked in and seated before it starts.