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Motherwell Churches Online

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

20 Motherwell churches of all denominations, including St Bernadette's, have worked together on a website bringing together all the churches in Motherwell. The website, which contains images of all the churches and links to their websites for people to learn more about them, has been named Motherwell Churches Online.

The idea for the website came about in an online meeting for Church of Scotland ministers. Drew Gebbie, the probationary minister who chaired these meetings, said: "After a couple of weeks of meeting once a week online on a Thursday morning, we as a group, realised that we had all heard of folks who were now searching online for some spiritual sustenance but didn’t know where to look. There are plenty of churches of all denominations in the Motherwell area, but not everyone knows how to search for the exact church they may want."

The group decided that - rather than simply link all their own churches - they ought to expand the project, and contact as many churches as they could. Many of them agreed to join the project, and the website was created. You can check it out here!

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Motherwell ML1 3PH



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