St. Bernadette's Motherwell
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Parish Support Groups
Our various parish support groups assist with the running of the parish in practical ways.
Altar Servers
The altar servers assist the priest during Mass. During weekday masses at 9:30am, adult altar servers are needed. During weekend masses, school pupils from primary five upwards serve during masses. Altar servers are on a rota and assist during their preferred masses.
The Bulletin team prepare the bulletin in advance of the weekly mass and print off copies to be used at the weekend masses. They operate on a rota.
Children's Liturgy
The Children's Liturgy present the liturgy to the young children of the parish in a format that they can understand and enjoy. They operate during Sunday mass at 11am.
Church Stall
The Church Stall group run the church stall at mass times, on a rota basis. If you are interested in assisting, please speak to Alice at the church stall.
Cleaning Team
The Cleaning Team clean the church on Monday morning after the 9:30am mass, or on Friday during the day. They operate on a rota, depending on numbers and availability.
Ecumenical Group
The Ecumenical Group encourage the parish to participate in ecumenical activities. They also support the North Motherwell Churches Together initiative. They meet 3-4 times a year, or as required. If you would like to get involved, please contact Lawrence at lawrence.toner@yahoo.com.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Most Holy Eucharist
The Eucharistic Ministers assist in the distribution of The Holy Eucharist during Mass, to Avondale Care Home or to housebound parishioners. They operate on a rota basis at their preferred masses. To get involved, please speak to the parish priest.
Fabric Committee
The Fabric Committee oversees the maintenance of the parish buildings and grounds. They meet on Monday evenings every two months, or as required.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee reviews the finances of the Parish and advises the parish priest on all finance-related matters. They meet quarterly, or as required.
Flower Arrangers
The Flower Arrangers prepare floral arrangements for various feasts & special occasions. They meet as required.
Food Bank
The Food Bank Group provides a drop-in service for families requiring emergency food and toiletries. They are open during Sundays from 10:30am to 12pm and on Thursdays from 4:30pm to 6pm. Volunteers help out during the drop in opening hours, as well as at other times in order to collect donations.
Gift Aid Group
The Gift Aid Group collate Gift Aid information and count the collection money. They meet on Sunday evenings after mass, and operate on a rota basis.
Liturgy of the Word
Readers read the liturgy at all masses, during weekends and weekdays. Readers operate on a rota basis at their preferred masses.
The Sacristan Group prepare the altar and liturgy before Mass, including the altar cloths & sacred articles, and change the cloths for feasts & special occasions. They operate on a rota basis at their preferred masses. If you would like to get involved, please speak to Jessie or the parish priest at mass.
Welcoming Ministry
The Passkeepers welcome parishioners and visitors to the Church, assist with enquiries and help with collection baskets during Mass. If you would like to get involved, please contact Lawrence at lawrence.toner@yahoo.com.