St. Bernadette's Motherwell
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St. Bernadette's Hall Committee
The present Hall Committee was brought together by Fr. Stephen Reilly just before he left the Parish and was necessary because the Committee who had helped build the New Hall some 21 years ago were all reaching retirement after countless years of amazing voluntary service.
The new Committee's first event was the New Year Presentation Dance, where the parish was able to acknowledge those years of service in a fitting manner.
The Hall Committee is tasked with a considerable amount of responsibility and like with any public building, there are strict rules and guidelines to be followed. These include:
obtaining and retaining a Bar and a Gaming Licence;
ensuring Health and Safety and Hygiene standards are met;
ensuring all lets and activities are properly supervised;
recruiting staff and volunteers;
maintaining and submitting proper accounts that are audited by the parish finance committee and periodically by the Diocese;
procurement and monitoring of Bar Stock;
dealing with security issues;
general upkeep;
maintenance and periodic replacement of fixtures and fittings; and
communicating with regular users and with the Clergy for the ongoing programme.
The hall is widely used by parish and external groups for functions and celebrations and also hosts many funeral breakfasts.
As well as being a fantastic resource for the parish and wider community, the hall also contributes substantially to the church funds, and we are fortunate to have this avenue available to us as a Parish. This was due to the foresight of previous Parish Priests and volunteers, and we owe them a great debt.
The Hall Committee meets formally 3 to 4 times per annum, and stay in contact using WhatsApp and via email throughout the year.
Jim Sweeney (Chair)
Andrew McRoberts (Licence Holder)
Liz Watson
Marie Grew
John McKeown (Caretaker)
Rita Heard (Bar Manager)
Tel: 07522018483
Call using this number for bookings. Leave a message or text and your call will be returned.